Tuesday, 3 November 2009


a few bows I have been making on an evening

Friday, 16 October 2009

I made these bookmarks and put them on my flickr page just as a something and they have been viewed 30 times - why?? They didn't take me long to make, and no blood, sweat or tears were shed making them, unlike my other things - so why so popular? Unless (due to my newness in all thing flickr/blogging etc I'm totally wrong) - or is it the frog? -that's it, it's the frog. 

Hurray! This is my first sale! I made these little hearts for Louise and she paid me! She was pleased and I was too. 

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Giving it a go!

Mia ill in bed all weekend so I had a go at some designs using felt and embroidery. I got a bit obsessed by it. Of course, as always, I was not really pleased with my attempt.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

washing on a Wednesday

I love washing, obviously not my body (or others) and not actually DOING the washing (or ironing) but washing on a line. I t really makes me smile, especially when you get a sneak look at someone's BEST on the line. I loved it when the kids were babies and their washing was tiny (both my babies were extra tiny) and cute and waved there on a lovely British summers day. 

So here's my washing, and maybe I'll do this sewing again and have a real think and draw about different types of washing and put less obvious things on the line.


Monday, 28 September 2009

Pocket Pals

A little pocket pal I'm working on. Fish with her mate star.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Charity Shop finds

This is another day and another picture.
These are my charity finds, all for 79p. Credit crunch!

Monday, 10 August 2009

brand new blog - day 1

Have no idea how to do this, so here goes
Firstly I've put in a picture of something nice.
A cloud which is appropriate for today. But it's smiling so that's good. 


Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Only one week till the summer holidays.
Make it a sunny one.